Sunday, January 11, 2009

10 Month Photos

And we're back. Sorry for the delay in posting, things have finally started to settle down post-holidays. Back in December, Mallory had her 10-month birthday. She is continuing to develop her vocal and physical abilities.

She is crawling all over the place and pulling herself up on anything within reach. One of her favorite spots to show off her skills is the stairs, meaning Mom and Dad always need to be in close proximity, lest she make a bee line for the stairs during a break in the action.

Another major development is that Mallory got her two front teeth in. Not sure if you can see them, since they are pretty small (ok, not really).

Mallory also got to help with decorating the tree and even wrapping some presents.

And even though the football team had a horrible finish, she is still proud to call herself a Gophers' fan. There is always next year...

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