Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Halloween - Trick or Treating

After the indoor party, it was time for a costume change.

Here Mom is putting the finishing touches on the costume as we prepare to go outside.

Here is Plymouth's cutest Tiger, out on the prowl (insert Tiger Woods joke here).

Samson became very interested in Mallory's costume once she came back with a basket full of goodies.
After getting back from trick or treating, we had one more costume change to hand out candy and enjoy some of her own.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Halloween - Indoor Party

On the morning of Halloween, the Held's went to an indoor Halloween party sponsored by a local ECFE group. Like any diva, the day was to be filled with costume changes. The first outfit was a little number that Dad picked up while in China earlier in the fall.

Mallory got to participate in some arts and crafts and made her own ghosts.

There were plenty of other activities to keep her occupied, like the slide...

...and the large motor room. This jumping apparatus was her favorite, as you could tell.

And what Halloween party would be complete without decorating their own cookies. Jamie was very eager to help with this activity.

Jungle Jane

While over at the Donnelly' girl's house, Mallory asked to borrow a jungle costume to potentially wear for Halloween. Little did we know that she would ask to wear it every day in the weeks leading up to Halloween.
With the necklace, she was ready to go as Pebbles Flintstone. Now if only Mom and Dad could find their Betty and Barney Rubble costumes from a few years back...

Mallory was excited that her and Samson had the same color scheme going on now...

And here she is teasing him with a treat, which I think he got eventually.

Carving the Pumpkin

Mallory wasn't as into pumpking carving as she was last year. She wanted nothing to do with digging the guts out of the inside, which meant Mom and Dad had to role up their sleeves.

Although she wasn't into the pumpkin preparation, she was still generous enough to pose for a few pictures.

She even let Samson get into the action.

She did have some fun comparing her little pumpkin to the big one that Mom had just carved.

"If you want to crown 'em, then crown 'em."